Main > The Round Table

Armored or Not- what makes you a Knight?

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I be 6' & 206lbs nowadays!

Sir William:
You dropped those 19lbs like a bad habit- looks good on ya man.

Looking good! We're just about the same weight (give or take 2 pounds) and height actually!
Though I think I'm lacking in the Tight Shirt Pics On Demand Department!  ;)
TSPODD for short! We're right down the hall from the Ministry of Silly Walks!


--- Quote from: SirNathanQ on 2013-04-06, 06:05:02 ---Looking good! We're just about the same weight (give or take 2 pounds) and height actually!
Though I think I'm lacking in the Tight Shirt Pics On Demand Department!  ;)
TSPODD for short! We're right down the hall from the Ministry of Silly Walks!

--- End quote ---

Tee Spod?  ;D

Lord Tristin:
I thought long and well about that very question many years ago. What makes a knight. One could argue that knightly behavior makes a knight, or title from a lord, perhaps even his wealth and armor.  Imyself have my own formulated opinion.

A knight is someone who shines like a beacon, someone who stands for his beliefs and stands for others even when no one will stand with him. A knight strives to be temprent in judgement, yet is not afraid to hand down punishment for injustice. A knight needs no reason to do good, and makes a point to show kindness and understanding to those less fortunate then himself.

Knightly behavior, Charity, Honor, Hospitality, Courtesy, Integrity, these intangible virtues are paramount to knightly behavior. A knight needs to always be aware of his actions, how they reflect on himself and his peers and lord. I could continue but I believe my point is made. A knight is a combination of inborn ability and learned behavior.


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