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Finally! Good News!

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Sir William:

--- Quote from: Lord Dane on 2013-01-23, 10:28:09 ---Claiming a lack of knowledge is not acceptable to me now-a-days when knowledge is abundant & accessible to all. Learning is a continuous part of life, as it is ever changing. Once you are introduced to it and comprehend the reason, it should become expectation that you learn from it and conform accordingly. When you open your mind, you also open the door to understanding and become the better for it through simple exposure. I have no regards for people that blame their poor behavior on upbringing or on some fixated mindset, and even less for those who refuse to change it.

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--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2013-01-23, 15:11:27 ---
I think it's also useful to remember that you can be 'chivalrous' (in this context) to men as well. I try to hold doors for absolutely everyone, for instance. :)  There's a level of common courtesy that you can extend to everyone. If they're unreceptive, it's no big deal, you can just move on.

--- End quote ---

I agree wholeheartedly with both of these statements.  I also get what Jess is saying- as a man who opens/holds doors for his wife, I don't find it annoying as if I'm not there to open the door, she'll do it for herself...all the while appreciating that I want to do it for her.

I don't see chivalrous behavior as 'taking something away' from a woman's sense of self or individuality or ability to take care of herself...maybe it is a little old fashioned but that's how I was raised.  That I have aspired and attained knighthood, it only makes sense that such comportment would resonate with me, and those of similar mind.

I see nothing wrong with performing domestic duties- as Sir James and others have intimated that they do, I too do the dishes, the laundry, take out the trash and handle the housekeeping when it is necessary.  Granted, my wife likes puttering about the house cleaning this or that, but it isn't 'her' job as opposed to mine.  We work together to make our house the way we want it.  Interesting tidbit: she will take the trash down to the trash can but has no earthly desire to ever pick up a wrench or know how to do anything that is landscaping or automotive-related...those are strictly for me.  ;)

Sir James A:
Joshua, indeed, I do have life insurance as well as savings. Having seen my grandparents pass on, my grandfather died nearly 10 years before my grandmother. She lived to about 85; and in a rather heartwrenching fashion, was literally months away from us having the finances to pay for the nursing home she spent years in (after falling and being unable to live alone). And this is from a grandfather who worked 2 jobs nearly his entire life, bought a piece of land, and he and his children built both houses on it by hand .. no electrician, no plumber, no carpenter - basement dug by hand with shovels, laid every concrete block, every board .. and did it again when he bought more land and built his cabin on it. And seeing my parents struggle and lose money from savings every month as my father "retired" at 65 now but they do not have the income to support themselves without him continuing to work (and looking for work). The hardest part is that saving 10 years of salary, in 30 years, is often only enough to live for a few years because of inflation. Having a way to generate income is of utmost importance to me; it doesn't need to be doctor's salary, simply enough to live on.

Sir Sorbus:
This is, indeed, good and encouraging news!

I would comment more, but, as much as it bugs me to toot my own horn all the time, my views are best expressed here:

I really ought to expand on that one day. Perhaps when the personal blogs are started. :)

Joshua Santana:
Sir William:  Salient points indeed. 

Sir James: I understand and I might add that is what we "young ones" have got to be doing and you set a good example.

Sir Sorbus: I think your blog post sums up your response and you make very good points to boot.


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