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Finally! Good News!

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Joshua Santana:
Brethren!  Hearken to this article I came across.

This is great news!  However bear in mind that it does have political and social comments. 

What say Ye Brethren?

I think the forty or so female KSCA would have a problem with this article.

Especially Duchess Sir Rowan Beatrice von Kampfer who won the Crown of Ansteorra by her own hand in Finals versus her Husband.

So too all the women on the below list including the current Princess of Cynagua Sir Mari Alexander, and Duchess Sir Bryne McClellan who won the Coronet of The Mists by her own hand.

Me personally, I want an equal. So if she is higher than I, I will thus raise myself to be her mate, her champion and her savior as she will be mine. If she be lower then I shall raise her up with love to show her the power and glory of her inner self.

Sir James A:
There's a whole lot of things in my head regarding that, but I think it best they stay in my head. :)

Sir Brian:
Not to make this overly simplistic but for me I am chivalrous towards women out of courtesy and upbringing with a keen understanding that if a woman does not respond positively to such considerations then they are not ladies in accordance with my perceptions and such considerations are wasted upon them. Furthermore, for me to insist upon applying those considerations after knowing they are unwanted would in fact be discourteous.

In reference to the article the ‘feminists’ are welcome to their beliefs however they should also be fully prepared to live by them; - i.e. to insist that I treat such a person with the same consideration as I would a man is not a problem, just so long as they understand that I regard all males as potential adversaries and will interact with them accordingly because ultimately it is the duplicity of their expectations of how men should treat them that I find despicable. ;)

Joshua Santana:
I knew this would be the reaction and I will input my reason for posting this.

Thorsteinn: I would think so too, feminists do appear to be out of touch with the other side of women as seen clearly in the SCA.  You have noble intentions and I do likewise the same with the Lady that gives companionship to this stout warrior heart of mine.

Sir James: Kudos for Prudence! 

Sir Brian: You and I are quite similar in upbringing.  Not all women are the same and those that know what we believe in will in kind be respectful if not supportive of what we believe in.

How can we be chivalrous to women who don't know what Honor, Courage, Loyalty, Faith, Nobility are to show us respect, it is like they are "destroyed for lack of knowledge". 

You are correct and I will state this.  I came across this article of facebook, I read and I perceived this to be good news or a harbinger of something we can anticipate in the near future.  The feminist movement in the past have been aggressors against those who carry the Chivalric legacy, yet with this I am beginning to see a waning which if the opportunity arrives can be a revolutionary moment in which we Knights of The Order of The Marshal can ignite a cultural revival of Chivalry.  Think about it, spreading the value and importance of what we all are sworn to follow and to live to our last heart beat and the message spreading like wildfire. It can do great justice to the cause of this Order and to all other Chivalric Orders (yes even the SCA) here in this country. 

I know I sound like a visionary or someone quixotic crazy.  But I do not deny that if there was an opportunity to spread the Code of Chivalry, I would not miss it. 


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