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New hauberk arrived

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Sir James A:
Stainless is very rust resistant. Haven't had a single spot on my fauld, and I haven't cleaned or oiled it once since I got it, yet, worn it at least 10 times or so, half of those covered in sweat.

Sir William:
I've had my galvy hauberk for at least 3 years now and have worn it over a dozen times, sweat always occurs- not a single spot of rust.  Now, when I'd sold it, the guy who bought it decided to 'test' it and cut off a small segment and steeped it in moisture and what have you and it rusted according to him.  Has not been my experience so as I'd said before, your mileage may vary.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2013-01-16, 16:32:24 ---the guy who bought it decided to 'test' it and cut off a small segment and steeped it in moisture and what have you and it rusted according to him
--- End quote ---

Perhaps tell him about the difference between use and abuse? Even stainless steel will rust if you leave it covered in moisture for long enough. That's where "stainless" comes from ... it simply "stains" (rusts) "less".

Sir Ulrich:
I need alternatives to oiling it. Oil is a pain and leaves a mess making wearing my maille impractical because my parents will bitch me out about it being messy. Cant I just seal it with an oil that wont drip or run?

Mix melted beeswax with olive oil (50/50). Then get a canvas sack you can afford to use for only one thing.

Just coat the mail in the mix, put in the bag, and toss to coat. Maintain it with regular recoating & re tossing. This is one of the methods used in period.


Get a bag put the sand in it, and toss to scrub... this will be needed often in a wet climate.

Or... use the canvas bag, and get a can of spray gun oil. Toss to coat.


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