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A&A Black Prince and Crusader Monk Scabbard

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Sir Edward:

Wow awesome, I can't wait to see the finished project! I may have to commission some work from him at some point. So far I've just been bouncing between DBK and Christian Fletcher. But I want to support everyone who's doing a good job in the market if I can.

Supposedly my new CF scabbard for the Albion Talhoffer should be done soon, so I'll get some pics of that too when it gets here.

Sir William:
Jon Sarge does a great job- he'll tell you in a heartbeat that if you want historical accuracy, see one of the other guys but if you want something fast that'll be good looking and pass at 5 meters, he's your guy.  At a fraction of what the others charge, he's been my go-to guy on 2 out of the last 5 scabbard commissions I've had done, 1 of which was a Faire sword that may have been an exercise in futility- but was still very well done. 

To be fair, there's a reason why he normally charges less than $300 for a scabbard/rig commission: he doesn't sew the rear seam on the scabbard, he doesn't line his scabbards; he uses the sandwich method of construction (as opposed to carving/shaving the slats to suit the blade's length and shape) which usually means you'll need to shim the chape for a tighter fit if you want it to stay in the scabbard when you turn it upside down; the thin pieces of wood he uses to hold the blade's edges means that you can have some scabbard rattle.  The dyes are usually pretty even- he can get you pretty much any color you want, but the color will only be on the face-front side of the belt, the backside will be natural color.  Good selection of buckles and pretty bits, his turnaround time is ridiculously quick and knowing up front what to expect, I've had no complaints.  He also did a grip rewrap for me on one of my swords- good job, better than the original grip (H/T bastard).

Speaking of Crecy's, I owe you boys some pics don't I?  I'll get them done...been somewhat troublesome trying to do manual stuff with a sword semi-locked in one hand.  It is the one sword that I have to look into the scabbard each time I put her in- wicked point.

Got my scabbard work back from Jonathan at Crusader Monk.  For the price, you simply can't beat him.  All said and done it was less than half my CF scabbard, except my 'wait time' was one week.  It would be unfair to compare this scabbard to the CF scabbard on my Crecy, but it's not meant to be equivalent.  As mentioned above, Jon uses the 'sandwich' method for scabbard construction which results in a slightly bulkier core than a carved scabbard.  I have no problem at all with fit.  Much like my CF scabbard the sword, once seated, sits snugly in the scabbard and will not fall out if held upside down, nor is it too tight that it would inhibit the draw.

The suspension is a single knot-type suspension and is comfortable.  The angle it hangs at is not adjustable, but it sits comfortably on the waist.  He left plenty of room on the belt to be worn in or out of harness.  It has a single riser down the spine of the blade, and a metal chape.  Overall, I'm extremely pleased with it and plan to wear it come my next opportunity!  Enjoy the pics!

Closeup of the hilt:

Full length standing up:

Sword and Scabbard on the ground:

Todd Eriksen:
I, too, own A & A's Black Prince.  It is an awesome sword.  Even though it is incredibly durable and usable, I chose to let mine sit on display, cause even though it is a killing weapon, it is purty! ;D  Nice choice, Ian.

Sir Edward:

That does look really good. A very nice combination of sword and scabbard to go with your kit! Very nice.


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