Main > The Armoury

My Current Kit

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--- Quote from: Hersir Thorsteinn on 2012-12-26, 22:27:38 ---What place & century are you going for?

--- End quote ---

I am going for a portrayal of a solider from Kievan Rus', which encompasses a time from around the 9th-13th century. The kit that I'm doing falls somewhere in-between the 10th and 12th centuries.

Sir Matthew:
That sounds like it will be very cool when you finish it. I don't see many people doing eastern Eurpe or Russia that early. There are a few people nearby doing 16/17th Century Poles, Lithuanians and Cossacks. Good luck with the kit.

Lord Dane:
Let me know when you have enough gear together for a Slavic style raiding party.   ;D

Sir William:
Yes, more pics!

So, I haven't posted in my thread in a long while, but there's a lot of updates that need to be made! I've changed my portrayal from an early Medieval Russian Druzhinik to a late-13th-century Polish rycerz (knight)!

My soft kit:

Current armor kit:

The hauberk is made from 8mm-diameter mild steel rings that are round riveted. They alternate between dome riveted round rings and solid, flat punched rings. This is more proper for my portrayal than a wedge riveted hauberk, because wedge riveted maille would have been quite rare in the Duchy of Mazovia until at least the second half of the 14th Century.

The gambeson under the hauberk is a custom design from Badassgarb, replicating a 13th-century design with a split down the middle. It has some green trim, for a bit of personal flair. The boots are from Viking Leathercrafts - they're of nailed construction, but they're very sturdy and probably some of the best I can get without shelving out big bucks. The braies and chausses are linen and wool, respectively, and are from Historic Enterprises. The arming cap is from either GDFB or Armory Replicas. The belt around my waist is a late-13th-century/14th century design which I purchased off of Kult of Athena, and I'm not sure of the maker.

I've got some chausses at home which I have to modify a bit so that they actually fit. I also have a new 8mm coif, but I'm also going to modify that, too, so that's not shown (yet :) ). A surcoat with the 1295 symbol of Przemysl II should be arriving pretty soon, too. My face was a bit gunky from putting on the maille, too, but hey. That's a hauberk for ya! Oh, and my current sword, which is my DT5143, a nice and hefty Type XIIIa, is also back at home, but here it is in all its glory:

Finally, in addition to all of this, I'm getting a helmet made by Jeffrey Hildebrant that replicates a form of kettle helm worn in Russia, Eastern Poland, and Lithuania in the 13th century and beyond:


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