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What are you thankful for?

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Sir William:
This is my prayer to God every night before I close my eyes in sleep:

Thank you, Lord, for my wife, my children, my parents, my siblings, my in-laws, all and sundry of cousins, aunts and uncles, and those special loved ones who fit no real category (like best friends and my brethren Knights).  I'm not even sure if I say 'Amen' or not, but I think He gets it.

Things that I don't normally thank Him for, but am thankful for- my health, my general well-being and happiness, my lot in life and any and every day He sees fit to grant me, I am thankful for.

Sir Gerard de Rodes:
I am truly grateful for my family, but must admit, I don`t show them anywhere near enough.

Sir William:
Ahh, but I bet they know it nonetheless, Sir Gerard.  Today, I am thankful that the candidate I voted for won his second term.  Whether or not I'll still be thankful as we move forward- only time will tell.

Day 8: I'm grateful to have read these words in 'The Journal Of Best Practices' tonight.~
"First of all -lets face it- I'm a guy. That's strike one. To make matters worse, I'm a guy with Asperger's syndrome. If empathy were currency, men with Asperger's syndrome would starve..." ('Chap 4: Just Listen')

"If I don't obsess about something then it doesn't get done." ('Chap 5'. While discussing how he did things that didn't come naturally)

I'm also grateful the big Math 120 test was short, relatively easy, and I got the extra credit right.

Sir William:
I am thankful that my parents made it through Sandy- the house got damaged but it is still more or less whole.  I pray that they get their electricity back soon, it is damn cold up there.


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