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Cooling Vest

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Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2009-03-05, 15:00:18 ---I'll have to look these over. I'd be tempted to get them gold plated so they hold their shine without tarnishing.

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I did get them gold plated and strapped...which is probably why I haven't received them yet and I ordered them three weeks ago.  :-\

--- Quote from: Dragonlover on 2009-03-05, 17:25:58 ---Sir Brian, you could probably get by with just a lightly padded jacket, or doublet....
--- End quote ---
Yeah but I want to try to stay semi-authentic even though my mail gloves aren't and I have aluminum mail!  ;)

--- Quote from: Das Bill on 2009-03-05, 18:36:39 ---In that case, good luck Sir Brian!

--- End quote ---
Thanks Bill!
I'm sure it will workout's got to fit and breath better than what I have been using!  :D

Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2009-03-05, 22:53:39 ---
--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2009-03-05, 15:00:18 ---I'll have to look these over. I'd be tempted to get them gold plated so they hold their shine without tarnishing.

--- End quote ---
I did get them gold plated and strapped...which is probably why I haven't received them yet and I ordered them three weeks ago.  :-\
--- End quote ---

UPDATE on the spurs...
They arrived yesterday and they are beautiful! Raymond did a really great job with both
the gold plating and the straps which can be easily changed when they wear out.  :)
Here are some picts.

Suh-weet!!!! :D

Sir Brian:
UPDATE on this cooling vest:

I soaked it in cold water for 30 minutes as directed and put it on over a dry t-shirt
and wore my new gambeson for awhile. The vest has evenly spaced chambers filled
with some absorbent crystals which caused the chambers to expand but it wasn't
noticeable wearing it under the gambeson. It definately kept me cold...also damp
of course but that is actually a good thing to help keep you from dehydrating since
the dampness acts as artifically induced sweat. - (it just isn't too pleasant!)  ;)

After wearing it for awhile I hung the vest up to see how long the chambers would
remain expanded and cold. It lasted a good 8 hours!

So I'll give it a try at NCRF to see how it works, but so far it looks promising and the
price is an added incentive...I also got the hardhat cooling pad to put inside my helm
which I'll try at the NCRF as well.  :)

Oh and Bill, You were right about the gambeson being cut weird. I can easily tell that
it would NOT be suitible for anyone's need for actual WMA...but it does work well for
my lesser needs and besides that I love the longer sleeves.
- So I would not recommend the gambeson for anyone who is into WMA.  :(

Sir Brian:

--- Quote ---So I'll give it a try at NCRF to see how it works, but so far it looks promising and the
price is an added incentive...I also got the hardhat cooling pad to put inside my helm
which I'll try at the NCRF as well.
--- End quote ---

An update on this endeavor...

It was mid-upper 70’s on Saturday with a nice breeze. Overall the cooling vest
and most especially the helmet cooling pad worked wonderfully!  ;D

A little background information first:
Typically when I’m in the hotel getting dressed; I’ll put on almost all of my armor and
surcoat except for the gorget, vambraces, helm and elbow cops…so that by time I’m
ready to leave I have begun to sweat profusely which just continues on throughout
the day after walking around in the sunlight etc, until I achieve a mediocre condition
of heat stress that is barely tolerable and leaves me in a smelly and soggy state that
seriously makes me too self-conscious to enjoy hanging out in a restaurant after the
faire with my renfair friends.  :-[

As of Saturday that was NOT the case. I barely broke a sweat by time I left the hotel
and I did not feel the least bit heat stressed all day! I didn’t even feel the need to
keep hydrated! Like I stated earlier, the helmet pad was the best! These are DEFINITELY
a must have for anyone wearing armor!  ;D


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