Main > The Armoury

Early 14th century Teutonic Knight kit

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Here's my Teutonic Knight kit, early 14th century version. All I need to complete this is mittens, and chausses (or enough riveted maille to make cheater chausses!), and a helm or two.

Thanks goes to Ulrich for the coif. Do you like the work I've done to it?  :)


A few more pictures, to pester you all with!  :D

Sir Edward:

Looking good! Now we need to find you a really nice Great Helm. :) Once you have enough pieces, you'll practically be able to do every decade from about 1250 through 1400. :)

Lord Dane:
Looks good Sir Nathan. :) Now let's see...... where would be the placement for that warhammer stamp??? Hmmmmmm....  :P

Sir Nathan, I really love how you have an adaptable kit.  You're a one-man timeline demonstration!  You guys are slowly but surely inspiring me to mayhaps adopt a crusader persona for myself!


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