Main > The Round Table

marriage of an old knight

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Sir James A:
Congratulations and Huzzah to you both, Sir Gerard! I am honored to offer my blessing to you both. We will of course be there with you in spirit.

--- Quote from: Ian on 2012-11-03, 13:17:16 ---(oh, and totally jealous that you get to have your ceremony in a castle!! :) )

--- End quote ---

Quite so!

Enjoy the anticipation, and remember that marriage is the doorway that opens up a new chapter of your life, not individually as Sir Gerard and Lady Joanna, but as a union of Lord and Lady. Having taken that plunge a few years ago myself - it is every bit as great as they say it is!


Lord Dane:
Marriage is like a well-made sword.....if made just right, it has a good balance... if too heavy on either end, you lose grip or have a strong handle of it. :)

Sir Brian:
Huzzah and congratulations Sir Gerard! May your marriage be blessed with bliss and good health!  :)

Sir Sorbus:
Congratulations to you, my friend! May your marriage me long and fruitful.

Slightly Off-topic: I would want to get married in a castle myself, but unfortunately the only man-made things older than 250 years in Australia are painted sticks. >__<
Oh well. That's another benefit of moving to Europe, right? :)


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