Main > The Armoury

Hacking up a sword

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Sir Brian:
Something I've noticed with my newly acquired sword frog from the Inner Bailey...
is the constant need to hold the sword because of the imbalance between the hilt
and the now empty scabbard.  :(

I've been contemplating various methods of correcting this and the best method I
could come up with is to drill a small access hole into the scabbard and pour a sufficient
amount of sand to act as a counter-weight to the hilt.
I will then try to pour some white glue into the hole and hopefully it will act as a stopper
in preventing the sand from shifting too much. I have an ornament on hand I can use to
epoxy onto the scabbard to cover up the access hole.

I post this as a lesson learned and a recommendation to anyone else interested in hacking
up a sword to put some counter-weight in the scabbard BEFORE you epoxy the hilt to the
scabbard!  :-[

Sir Brian, could you add a weighted throat on the end of your scabbard?
I couldn't remember if you have one there or not. Might save you the trouble
of going back inside the scabbard. ;)

Sir Brian:
I did consider that but I don't really have anything that would look decent.  :(
The scabbard already has a chape which I don't want to mess around with and risk
the possibility of screwing it up beyond repair.  :-\

I can relate to that! Hopefully this is a good lesson learned for all
of us. hope all goes well with your efforts and keep us all posted! :)

 I apologize Sir Brian, I didn't mean to suggest the throat or the chape,
I meant the tip end. I couldn't remember what your sword had on the
tip, i.e. a metal fitting on the end that you could possibly weight, etc. :-\


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