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Rust, preventing and cleaning

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Sir Edward:

Skin oils are corrosive to the steel, so the way to avoid it is to either not touch it (in the case of sword blades, touching the steel is easily avoidable and is a best practice anyway), or always wipe it down after handling it with fresh oil.

Lord Dane:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2012-08-23, 00:19:59 ---
Skin oils are corrosive to the steel, so the way to avoid it is to either not touch it (in the case of sword blades, touching the steel is easily avoidable and is a best practice anyway), or always wipe it down after handling it with fresh oil.

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And wearing disposable powder-free, non-allergenic, medical gloves when handling or cleaning does not hurt either. Keep the sweat caused by humidity from your steel when cleaning if your outside. Best done in cool environment anyways (like indoors).

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Leganoth on 2012-08-22, 23:11:06 ---My main problem is finger stains/dirt from finger prints, thats what really bothers me, could never find a way to remove them and avoid it

--- End quote ---

As Sir Edward and Lord Dane said.

I'm becoming partial to the waxing, since the wax doesn't displace as easily as the oils, and seems to take handling better. My armor was handled to get it on at VARF, and other than the breastplate I was constantly sweating on, the pauldrons, arms, etc, didn't rust at all - and the only "cleaning" they got was a wipe with a towel - no extra wax or oil at all.

The other side is that it's more involved to remove and reseal the wax, or for cleaning.

Sir Ulrich:
My new topfhelm is already rusting, gotta clean that off. Yet my kettle helm has been in RAIN STORMS and has never rusted. Maybe it's cause my kettle has a mirror finish while my Topfhelm is satan finished? Not sure.

Jessica Finley:
Yup - the satin finish is (basically) tons of tiny grooves.  those grooves "catch" water, and encourage rust.  The smoother and shinier the polish, the less grooves, hence less rust. 


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