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Birthday Reflections

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Lord Dane:

--- Quote from: Joshua Santana on 2012-08-11, 16:57:56 ---
--- Quote ---Alright, who brought the 'fortune cookie philosopher' into the forum???  ;D
--- End quote ---

LOL! I was only expressing my thoughts when I heard this from my Father.

Rautt:  I understand that you come from a broken family.  I sympathize with you and I know what it feels like to have relatives that have fallen from grace and are working to regain a start in life.  I am the only one in my family line with a college degree (the others do not) and I think the only one who has followed the Christian Faith with Zeal and with the Words of Truth.  However broken families end when one family member starts on a Path of Courage and Honor and allows his own Family to live by the same principles as he does.  That is the beginning of the legacy that I have inherited, it started with my great grand father all the way down to me and the amazing part is that it started with one man.  You Rautt can be that one man who can start again by living by Courage, Loyalty, Honor and Moral Nobility in your daily life and in any adventure you undertake.

Lord Dane:  I can tell you have been inspired by your family line to join the Police Force as a means of serving your community and I commend you for that.   

--- End quote ---

Incorrect assessment. I became one because it's what made most sense for someone with my background & skills at the time. Family is the reason I didn't want to be one. I don't like mixing professional & personal lives & that to some degree is a 'family' business. Like for example, I enjoy drinking coffee every morning, having donuts, ... you know stereotypical cop-like stuff.... :P  LOL  But I must admit, I do look good in blue. :) Oh know, I AM becoming Lord Vanity. ..... Just kidding, I've always thought I looked good.  ;D

But thanks for the kind words. A good quote & wise words.

@Josh: I just keep wondering if, had the below scenario played out, if my dads life, and thus mine, would have been better>

Ken Karp is a repressed homosexual. After getting Sandra, his girlfriend, pregnant he realizes his error and comes out & is honest about it. They breakup, she moves on and marries a good man. He moves on and settles with a good man. He raises his son to be honest and true and not let his inner demons destroy him or his family.

Think a version of The Birdcage where my dad is Armand's son.

I don't come from a broken home for that assumes it was ever really working in the first place.  ;)

BTW oddly enough my dads been married to my step-mom for 30 years and my mom's been with her boyfriend for 29 years. I guess the right person for them existed, it just wasn't each other.  8)

Josh, how goes your reading of the Tao of Jeet Kun Do? You mentioned that you were going to start it?

Sir William:
Speaking of birthdays, today's is Sir James Anderson's- happy birthday, Brother!

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2012-08-13, 13:49:17 ---Speaking of birthdays, today's is Sir James Anderson's- happy birthday, Brother!

--- End quote ---

Thank you :)

 ;D ;D ;D


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