Miscellaneous > The Market Square

Allan / MercTailor has a few things up for sale

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Sir James A:


Sir William:
Same stuff that's on AA?

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2012-08-01, 18:42:11 ---Same stuff that's on AA?

--- End quote ---

Yes. It's a couple steel bucklers, some steel & wood bucklers, and an anglo-saxon/norman round shield. Outside of my period of interest, or I'd have grabbed it already. :)

Sir Edward:

Yeah, I saw that he dropped the price on the round shield since no one grabbed it. I think that a lot of people are in the same boat. He made it to have something a little different, and no one is buying it.

Sir William:
Ok, I did see those...outside my period of interest as well, thankfully.  I've been hitting him up quite a bit these last couple of months...I really need to do a photo spread of some of the stuff I've gotten from him.


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