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This travesty of justice sets my blood to boil!

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And forgive me if my words seemed to trivialize the matter at hand, or make the actions taken by both parties in any way appear comparable.

These are sad times, when it must be considered that a woman would falsely accuse a man of such a heinous act, and sadder still that such fiends, rapists, and the like still walk the streets, or are protected by society.

Sir William:

--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2012-07-31, 17:24:23 ---
--- Quote from: Sir William on 2012-07-31, 15:35:49 ---I take it you have never been on the receiving end of such outrage, Sir Brian, otherwise you might not be so blind to the possibility. That is not to say that I am against your view- I share it, but Sir James reminded me, especially in this day and age, that not all people are as noble or honorable as we would like to believe them to be.

I should like to be able to take anyone at their word, if only because I am of that mind- but I would be naive to believe that it is so.  I am also of the mind that teenaged boys are quite aware of their actions and should be punished for it- without sealing their records so they can go on with their lives...they should have to live under the stigma of 'ex-con' just like any other foolish enough to commit a crime and get caught. 
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Truly Sir William you have vastly presumed wrong. In fact I most certainly have firsthand experience in the recent past and still ongoing, of being wrongfully condemned and disgraced by disreputable and nefarious individuals so I am keenly aware of the ‘possibility’ of the false and wicked accusations of ignoble malcontents.

I also have no delusions as to the true state of humanity Sir William which as a whole is utterly corrupt and morally deficient. I live daily with the expectation that I will see the absolute worst from any new person I happen to meet and ultimately hope I end up seeing them at their very best; however until such a time I am forever vigilant of their words and actions to warrant or moderate my suspicions.

--- End quote ---

Then I am not sure what it was I said wrong, Sir Brian.  You have been the victim of a wrongful accusation, that much is clear- my POV is only that it not occur in this case as well.  If they did it, burn them for it...but if they did not- then burn HER for the falsehood.  This little blurb caught my eye in particular, from the site:

"In the end,  we hope that the Judge decides to open of the proceedings so that all the facts can be known. We hope the judge rejects the pleas and conducts a trial.  We do not understand how someone who cried at night for months because she was worried about who saw her victimization, now wants to go, apparently, on Television to discuss it. That is a mystery to us. Most media outlets, respectful of victims do not publish the names of sex crime victims because it is widely seen as shameful. Maybe that is wrong. Maybe Ms. Dietrich evolved and has become a stronger person.  Maybe she likes attention.  We do not know. A public trial or hearing could answer some of these questions."


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