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Japanese outfit

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I need a mens japanese kimono, in red. im trying to make an inuyasha costume.

Sir James A:

No idea on the demon cat ears or a wig ... but there's the clothing and sword

Hmm I saw those but they dont look very good quality, i dont think those are real hakams or kimonos

Sir Wolf:
sory, just seeing that first link makes me think of the Robot Chicken's "Sailor Mooooooooooooon" hehehe

Sir James A:
You'd probably need to go with a local tailor or find someone who specializes in japanese clothing. Maybe this one?

Trying to match stylized anime with historical clothing is going to be difficult, since Inuyasha's hakama (pants) are gathered at the bottom and a traditional hakama is not:

(samurai on the right)

The 'puffed' appearance is a result of the suneate (greaves) pulling the hakama against the lower legs:


If you want to fake the gathered look, you could have the hem rolled and a tie sewn in to pull it in.

Also, a proper kimono goes to the ankles, and they are primarily worn by women, tucked into their hakama. If you're trying to go for the Inuyasha look, you probably want to look for a 'gi' - that's the shorter jacket style, which is popular and easy to find since it's a common eastern martial arts item. This place has some:

Kendo has white/red/black hakama, however, red is a harder color to find for a gi so your choices will be limited.

Don't know if that helps much, I'm much more of a samurai armor guy than just clothing, so the only clothing bits I know are mostly related to armor...


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