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Bastardsword length preference?

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Lord Dane:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2012-07-17, 13:46:07 ---That depends on how you're defining "bastard sword".

If you mean it in the sense of a historical longsword, a very average size would be a 36" blade and 12" hilt. They can be bigger, or smaller, but a total length of 46 to 48" is a very "normal" size.

If you mean more of a hand-and-a-half style bastard sword, then in my mind that would mean something that's a little closer to a single-handed sword, but with a longer grip, so a little on the smaller side for a longsword. I'd probably put the blade length between 30" to 35", and maybe a hilt size of 10".

BTW, I'm saying hilt sizes in terms of the total length of the hilt, including the pommel.

My personal preference for a longsword is right around that 36"/12" split, for a 48" overall length. I have to admit though, when they're a little smaller, they can be really agile. Any bigger, and I think they start getting into the "greatsword" category.

But since swords can be (and were) pretty much any size, it's entirely up to you as to what suits your needs.

BTW, congrats on your new toy! I'm sure it'll be a lot of fun!

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Agreed. I only utilize bastard swords (i.e. hand-and-a-half swords) except for one two-handed longsword I have. No sense in having one-handed broadswords really when you wish to have the most versatility out of one's armory. My total length (blade & hilt) tend to be the same averages as Sir Edward. Keep the blades proportionate and balanced.

Sir Edward:
Yeah, terminology can get confusing since everyone has a different idea of what these things mean. To me, "bastard" has been equated with "hand and a half" or otherwise a typical longsword. When they're larger two handed swords, to me those are "greatswords" and "zweihanders" and "bearing swords" and the like. :)

56.5" from thrusting tip to Smashy Pommel.

Sir William:

--- Quote from: Lord_Dane on 2012-07-18, 19:34:29 ---Agreed. I only utilize bastard swords (i.e. hand-and-a-half swords) except for one two-handed longsword I have. No sense in having one-handed broadswords really when you wish to have the most versatility out of one's armory. My total length (blade & hilt) tend to be the same averages as Sir Edward. Keep the blades proportionate and balanced.

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I dunno...I have an Albion SL Knight that is superb in handling characteristics and agility...a great closer quarters weapon that can be brought into play quite quickly.  A great option in its own right, in case I happen to lose my primary sword.  From horseback, I'd always go with the bastard but on the ground, I actually prefer the shorter singlehander paired with a shield.

All my brothers prefer longswords for foot combat it would seem.  ;)


In a war I will take a mace & shield. For singles I love me a good sword & board and I figure I could give all here a run for their money in such a fight.


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