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Gambesons at Etsy

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--- Quote from: Sir Ulrich on 2012-08-01, 22:45:00 ---Yeah I was considering ordering this one
Cause most custom stuff is in the 300 dollar range which is above my budget. I could always dye it black also. This is also in my period it looks like a 1200s gambeson and its sizing wont be too big on me as I measured the sleeve size.
That one is also a possibility.

--- End quote ---

As long as you realize, both of those gambesons you linked are in Australia.

Sir Ulrich:
Yeah I know they are, thats the only issue is shipping will cost a bit but it's better than settling for something I dont really want just because it's local. All the gambesons I see sold in the USA are 14th century stuff.I dont want a gambeson that doesnt reach down to my knees cause the maille flapping around gets quite annoying. In all honesty all I ever see for sale is 14th century jupons which I think are not even meant for full maille but for maille and plate. Now to make the decision.

With shipping, those cost approx $200 and $270... you're not too far out of custom gambeson range at that point, and you're taking a risk shipping it around the world to not be completely satisfied, because it's going to be another $70 to ship it back.  It's a risk when dealing with a vendor no one really knows about.

Sir Ulrich:
Yeah thats what bugs me a bit, it's appairently 3 layers of wool felt inside with cotton inside and outside so it's all natural fibers and should be better, though what I want is 2 layers because I think 3 may be too much. I did measure the size of it the sleeves should be perfect length. Maybe I could find someone locally who can make a 13th century gambeson but it WILL have to be custom job with a custom pattern because everywhere I know wants to make that 14th century jupon you see everywhere which isnt the design I want.

Sir James A:
It sounds more and more like you need a custom one. It doesn't have to be ridiculously expensive; pull a pattern or two online and ask the local suit shops / drycleaners, they usually have an in-house seamstress, or can point you towards one.


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