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Robin Hood: Knightly?

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Sir William:
I think there is...but it depends on the perspective of the speaker and his audience. 

Sir John of Felsenbau:
I refer you to my knight of the week on Robin Hood...unless I haven't posted it yet. My research showed that the real Robert of Loxley was knighted by King Henry II...and later went on a Crusade with King Richard I. In the the king's service was a certain 2-3 archers (one was Robin Longstride)...In 1199 when King Richard was mortally was Sir Robert. Robin and his two was Little John were at Sir Robert's side before he died and was asked to carry back information to his father in England and the King's sword to the then Prince John. Robin agreed...and Sir Robert died. Before embarking to England, they thought...if they went to court...they might be branded as deserters, so Robin decided to take Loskley's name. When they managed to get through the court without trouble they went to Sir Roberts house. It was then that he continued the ruse of Sir Loxley.

So Robin Hood and Sir Robert Loxley were two different people. Sir Loxley never stole from the rich and gave it to the poor.

Sir John

Sir Edward:

That sounds like the plot to a very recent film. :)

Joshua Santana:

--- Quote ---I refer you to my knight of the week on Robin Hood...unless I haven't posted it yet. My research showed that the real Robert of Loxley was knighted by King Henry II...and later went on a Crusade with King Richard I. In the the king's service was a certain 2-3 archers (one was Robin Longstride)...In 1199 when King Richard was mortally was Sir Robert. Robin and his two was Little John were at Sir Robert's side before he died and was asked to carry back information to his father in England and the King's sword to the then Prince John. Robin agreed...and Sir Robert died. Before embarking to England, they thought...if they went to court...they might be branded as deserters, so Robin decided to take Loskley's name. When they managed to get through the court without trouble they went to Sir Roberts house. It was then that he continued the ruse of Sir Loxley.

So Robin Hood and Sir Robert Loxley were two different people. Sir Loxley never stole from the rich and gave it to the poor.
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--- Quote ---That sounds like the plot to a very recent film. :)
--- End quote ---

Indeed.   :)

Sir William:
Ridley Scott's Robin Hood (2011), in fact.  I liked the movie...I thought Crowe brought a certain gravitas to a role that has been at times comedic and dramatic.


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