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Which one do you think you are?

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Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Cavaliere di Fiore on 2012-06-22, 05:39:44 ---Indeed I do Sir Nathan. For about 4 years now I have studied German and Italian historical fencing, but I have been playing with swords from childhood much like most men of our mindset. I also try every martial art I can, because I believe that every art has something that I can use to make my personal one better. For instance, I am studying with the SCA right now, as well as taking Goju Ryu Karate from a friend and Jiu Jitsu from a group near where I live, though I must admit I have been lacking in my participation in the Jiu Jitsu. I like the art, but it isn't something that touches me deeply, if you understand. I plan on attending at least one practice with the Battle of Nations folks as well.

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Always a pleasure to meet someone with varied culture interests. I have some previous karate time that included after-class time with just sensei, myself and one other guy, and I've been eyeballing some Koryu Gumdo nearby (basically eastern test-cutting). While I enjoy the samurai and realistic-ninja side of things, it doesn't have a personal touch to it since my heritage is european.

Joshua Santana:
An amazing discussion indeed.  Well here it my take on it.

I would be a fighter since my personality fits that role perfectly, I can see aspects of teh Artist the Scholar and the Warrior in me but I would be mostly a Fighter by Cavaliere's definitions.

However, we cannot forget to ask ourselves this question:  What truly defines us as Knights?
Is it because we believe in our Beliefs and in the Code of Chivalry?  Is it because we wear armor and wield swords?  Is it because we think ourselves as Knights and we act according to the Code?

The answer to that question is this:  What truly defines us as Knights is what we do everyday in our lives in and out of armor, our deeds are and must be congruent with the Code of Chivalry and our own Beliefs.  We Knights by this definition and yardstick and we act and should act according to our chosen duties as Knights. 

What truly defines us as Knights is what we do to others including to each others, we teach each other, we learn from each other and we together prove to a community or communities that living by a Code of Virtues and Moral Principles makes a better world and a better individual.  How we treat the uninformed individual to the person who asks many questions is what defines us as Knights, we are teachers and we are people that can relate to us or can aspire to be like one of us.  How we treat our families, friends and loved ones also defines us as well.  If one can be courteous in the work force, that same level of Courtesy can easily be applied to one's family, friends and loved ones even though there will be people who will disagree with you most of the time.   

What defines me as a Knight is not my passionate adherence to the Code, but also me Belief in God and Jesus Christ.  It is my Faith that fuels my passion to live by a Code that I believe to be found on Scripture and to act accordingly.  Even though I may have issues that are lifelong, it doesn't prevent me from doing my utmost best in living by my Faith and the Code.  I may live in a community that may not be interested in HEMA or Chivalry, but it doesn't stop me from being the first guy to spark that interest in other people. I may practice my German Longsword, Medieval Sword and Buckler and Bolognese Swordsmanship to the point where I practice all three daily before work or may seem to be nearly obsessed with practicing all together, but that is not a distraction from me taking the time to read the Scriptures first and praying in Spirit and Truth.  Chivalry is not just about Virtues and Morals, it is also about seeing everything in life in it's proper perspective.  This means that I may be busy with University duties, work or taking care of my family but it doesn't stop me from planning ahead for my Full Soft and Hard Kits and taking the time to look at all of my options and choices.  It doesn't stop me from being who I am regardless of me having no armor save a longsword. 

Sir Wolf:
too much reading i got lost

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2012-06-22, 16:43:46 ---too much reading i got lost

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Sir Wolf needs "tl;dr" summaries. :)

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2012-06-22, 18:07:53 ---
--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2012-06-22, 16:43:46 ---too much reading i got lost

--- End quote ---

Sir Wolf needs "tl;dr" summaries. :)

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It started off with an in-depth discussion. "Which of these are you?", and then "All, some, and none.". Then the ninjas showed!


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