Main > The Armoury

Sale on terrible ideas? I'll take two!

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Sir James A:
Ice said to try the magnet test (completely slipped my mind) and the voiders react the same as my chausses / etc. The rivets that fell out fly onto the magnet - not sure if it's due to light weight, or that they're mild rivets in stainless rings. Sir Wolf, we're thinking the same. Waiting to hear back. A few more pics here:

Not a single damaged ring, but tons of missing rivets - and the rivets are much thicker than the rings, so if anything, the rings should have dissolved / failed first, I'd think.

Sir Wolf:
hmmm well that stinks. I doubt you are "going to get your money back" etc cause you did the acid and damaged it. but if it is the wrong product then that maybe another issue. can you get other rivets to replace these?

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2012-06-07, 13:24:03 ---hmmm well that stinks. I doubt you are "going to get your money back" etc cause you did the acid and damaged it. but if it is the wrong product then that maybe another issue. can you get other rivets to replace these?

--- End quote ---

Ice said he'll send me more rivets, free of charge, but it'll take a few months to get. I offered to at least pay shipping. At least the rings didn't unlink - that's the worst thing, weaving riveted links. I can handle this, at least. Thinking about re-weaving rings ... with the hauberk and chausses to tailor too ..... the nightmares!

Sir Edward:

That sounds fair. I hope the work goes smoothly!

Joshua Santana:
Lessons for me as well, now I know what to avoid when cleaning mail in a soak. 


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