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Antique 16th century plate legs - or at least, they look like it (RemOil is BAD)

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Sir Edward:

Something that you can also use to help clean the surface is Windex, before moving on to the WD-40 and sealing with oil. Believe it or not, it's not too bad of a surface cleanser for this, since it's mildly soapy. You just have to be sure to get it all off.

Joshua Santana:
Now that I know the differences between what I would have use in contrast to what I can use as an oil.  Now I feel much better prepared. 

Sir William:
I currently use the Windlass spray-on protectant, forgot the name but its done the trick thus far...sorry to see that, Sir James...keep us posted as to the solution and the steps you took, in case it happens to one of us!

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2012-06-04, 21:01:33 ---I currently use the Windlass spray-on protectant, forgot the name but its done the trick thus far...sorry to see that, Sir James...keep us posted as to the solution and the steps you took, in case it happens to one of us!

--- End quote ---

Oh, it's cleaned. :) I started right after I took the pic. It was rather laborious, though.

Wiped it down again.
CLR w/scotch brites.
Wiped down.
Repeat CLR w/scotch brites.
Wiped down.
Used a towel and rubbed CLR all over it, then sprayed it with WD-40 without wiping off that CLR, and let it sit for an hour.
Came back, wiped it down, and everything is clean except the tiny little crevices at the edges of articulation, and around the rim of the rivets.

I might try some CLR w/a q-tip later, and Allan gave me a tip via PM, too.

I also dug back through my emails, and found, of all things, floor wax is what's on the harness I bought:

It's available at my local home depot, and very reasonable in price. It worked so well on the rest of the harness (I didn't wear the legs from that harness), that I might give it a shot while I try to track down the BreakFree (which Allan also recommended too). Ah, and if the guy who sold me the harness is truthful (and I have no reason to doubt it), he said that while he was visiting the Met, he talked with someone who worked in the armor section who recommended that wax, since it's cheap and low/no acid. At $5 a can it's worth a try - could it be any worse than the RemOil? :D

Joshua Santana:

--- Quote ---Oh, it's cleaned. :) I started right after I took the pic. It was rather laborious, though.

Wiped it down again.
CLR w/scotch brites.
Wiped down.
Repeat CLR w/scotch brites.
Wiped down.
Used a towel and rubbed CLR all over it, then sprayed it with WD-40 without wiping off that CLR, and let it sit for an hour.
Came back, wiped it down, and everything is clean except the tiny little crevices at the edges of articulation, and around the rim of the rivets.

I might try some CLR w/a q-tip later, and Allan gave me a tip via PM, too.

I also dug back through my emails, and found, of all things, floor wax is what's on the harness I bought:

It's available at my local home depot, and very reasonable in price. It worked so well on the rest of the harness (I didn't wear the legs from that harness), that I might give it a shot while I try to track down the BreakFree (which Allan also recommended too). Ah, and if the guy who sold me the harness is truthful (and I have no reason to doubt it), he said that while he was visiting the Met, he talked with someone who worked in the armor section who recommended that wax, since it's cheap and low/no acid. At $5 a can it's worth a try - could it be any worse than the RemOil?
--- End quote ---

A lesson for me indeed, thank you Sir James! 


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