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How a Knight Shall be Armed - 4th grade style

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Maybe it was  ;)   

Ahh, hell with it, that was a great post. Use the out-loud voice more often please   :D

Sir Justin:
Wow, and I thought my 4th grade teacher was cool because he gave us candy as class rewards. But THIS, that would have made school actually intresting! hahaha pretty awesome though

Joshua Santana:

--- Quote ---Wow, and I thought my 4th grade teacher was cool because he gave us candy as class rewards. But THIS, that would have made school actually intresting! hahaha pretty awesome though
--- End quote ---

Indeed, demonstrations like this one help in making school interesting.

Sir Gerard de Rodes:
Nice one Lord Rodney.
School visits and education days are loads of fun and a fantastic way of bringing history to life for the little darlings  :)

Sir William:
As with many things begun with the best of intentions, it fails miserably when applied to real life.  The people getting dinged by this policy aren't the ones it was originally aimed at- dangerous people. 

That's like the kid with the cake knife...I might've mentioned that already but it seemed to me that school administrators aren't putting much thought into their jobs, allowing policy to rule where common sense used to.


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