Main > The Armoury

Shine of Medieval Paints.

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Joshua Santana:

--- Quote ---lol, I totally misread his post. I saw "pants", not "paints".. OK, just shoot me for not having any caffeine this morning. :)

Still, what an amusing image... Sir Nathan, Knight of the Shiny Pants!
--- End quote ---

That is understandable Sir Edward, LOL!  That is a good one.  LOL!  ;D

Sir William:
So we have:

1. The Bingo Wing Knight
2. The Shiny-Panted Knight

Could we call him the Disco-King Knight instead? lol

Sir Wolf:
we will make his helmet into a disco ball

Sir Rodney:
Argent, a Disco proper.

-edited to fix drawing-

Did you want your helm in normal disco?

Or spiky/rhinestoney?


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