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I'm going with 14th century, so they're a bit too late for me

Sir Wolf:
nice coa pic  there!  now what time frame of the 14thc are we talking about? things change a lil bit in armour during this time hehehe

Yea, I keep forgetting the whole "transitional" part of that.. More to the mid/later end, Wisby-ish, if you will. I dig the Wisby gauntlets, and hope to be ordering a pair of those soon. I'm leaning towards the ones at the top here (Gauntlets RG 7.1)-

Joshua Santana:

--- Quote ---Yea, I keep forgetting the whole "transitional" part of that.. More to the mid/later end, Wisby-ish, if you will. I dig the Wisby gauntlets, and hope to be ordering a pair of those soon. I'm leaning towards the ones at the top here (Gauntlets RG 7.1)-
--- End quote ---


They take up to 6 months according to their site, so I'm trying to hunt down someone who will do them faster. I've sent a few emails out to armorers, but haven't heard anything back yet.


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