Main > The Armoury


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some say armour (think wooden haute gaurds), others purely heraldry and display, some both.

I know which function I want mine to fill  ;)

Sir James A:
Nicely done! I still need to get around to doing mine sometime too. Seeing other people finish theirs is good motivation. :)

Joshua Santana:

--- Quote ---Seeing other people finish theirs is good motivation. :)

--- End quote ---

True indeed.  ;)

Sir William:
Ok, no one else asked so I will- I see you've been quite busy, Sir're those grades lookin?  ;)

They're alright. I've got straight A's. The thing is what school's wrapping up, so teachers stopped giving homework and focused on studying for the finals and my AP exams. Thus I had lots of time to work on projects.  :)


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