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Server upgrade

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B. Patricius:
Thanks for the head's up Sir Edward. 
Good thing being PST, I won't even be awake yet! :D

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2013-05-06, 13:32:51 ---
There will be roughly one hour of downtime on Wednesday, just a head's up:

Wednesday, May 8th, 2013 between 11:00AM UTC and 11:55AM UTC

Our hosting company is doing maintenance and will shut us down briefly.

--- End quote ---

.... and... now they've canceled it. I'm assuming by "cancel" they mean "postpone", but for now we won't have an outage.

Sir Edward:
Just in case you noticed the forum was down for about a half-hour this morning, I was resizing the disk partitions to take advantage of the fact that the host doubled my disk space.

Something that I think is hilarious is that they've increased my bandwidth allocation faster than I've needed it. Here it is, the 28th of the month, and it's still showing that I've used up 0% (yes, zero percent, rounded) of my allowed bandwidth:

*  Transfer/mo: 3095 GB
*  Incoming: 1.77 GB
*  Outgoing: 14.1 GB
*  Total: 15.9 GB
You have used 0% of your monthly transfer

Sir William:
I noticed!  Thought they'd finally found a way to close the door on me.  lol

Sir James A:
#firstworldproblems :D


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