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Engravings and inscriptions on swords and shields

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Sir Edward:

Good sir Joe Metz on the Days of Knights facebook thread just showed us the shield he reworked, and he put an inscription on the back edge that reads: "Deo duce, Ferro comitante" (meaning roughly "God is my leader, Iron my companion", or substitute "sword" for "iron").

I think we've talked about this sort of thing before, but other than discussing naming swords, I didn't find a specific thread about it.

What sorts of things would you consider inscribing on a sword or shield?

I threw a few things into google translate and got these ideas:

* Ego sum ​​hoste pessimo.  (I am the worst enemy)

* Gladium meum in Dei obsequium. (My sword in the service of God)

I just thought it might be fun to bounce some ideas around. I haven't come up with anything for myself specifically yet... though I finally put that "truth and honor" thing under my avatar into Latin.

Sir Rodney:
Our mercenary company uses "Inquit Corvus" which literally translates as "said the raven" and grammatically translates as "quoth the raven".  This ties to Edgar Allan Poe and thus our name (Nevermore), principal charge (a raven) and any other The Raven tie-ins you can dream up.

1845 isn't very medieval, but Poe's alot of fun!  ;)

... `Be that word our sign of parting, bird or fiend!' I shrieked upstarting -
`Get thee back into the tempest and the Night's Plutonian shore!
Leave no black plume as a token of that lie thy soul hath spoken!
Leave my loneliness unbroken! - quit the bust above my door!
Take thy beak from out my heart, and take thy form from off my door!'
Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.' ....


Find "Kennings for Weapons".

My helm now reads "Sverdbrjotr' (Sword-breaker) in Elder Futhark. ;)

Sir Edward:

"Suus iustus a caro iniuriam"  (It's only a flesh wound)

Sir Gerard de Rodes:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2012-04-25, 15:42:19 ---
"Suus iustus a caro iniuriam"  (It's only a flesh wound)

--- End quote ---



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