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"Scoreboards" for the Order of the Marshal demo at VARF, 2012

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Sir James A:
The posts w/base are done, roughly 4 1/2 feet tall:

Four-way free standing supports, 18" wide for a sturdy base:

The 'score cards' are almost done; they've been cut, sanded and stained. The only thing left is to paint the score numbers on them once the stain has dried tomorrow - there's enough cards for the numbers 0, 1, 2 and 3 for both posts. They are roughly 18" high and 6" wide, and should be easily visible from 25' or so.

UPDATE: Finished painting the score numbers

It's hard to see, but there are small metal rods that come out of the front and back of the posts at the top. The front can have the "score cards" placed on the fronts as [ Post > 3 > 2 > 1 > 0 ], and then when a point is scored, the "card" is moved from the front peg to the rear peg - keeps the score cards off the ground. I cut the holes in the cards extra-large so we can get them on and off the pegs easy even with mitten gauntlets. The cards are 'rough cut', with a circular saw, to give them some fraying and 'hand made' look by not being perfectly symmetrical. I did light sanding around the edges to remove splinters, and some light corner rounding, just enough to reduce snagging.

The pegs are removable for safe transport; next project is a gonfalon stand, and after making these I had a great afterthought - extending the upper support legs farther out, and making the lowest support leg rotate so that it can turn and fold "flat" with the other support leg, so that everything will fold flat for storage / transporting. I could technically unscrew the bottom piece for transport, but eh, if I can do a tool-free design, all the better.

Also, no visible modern hardware. The couple nails and screws are all on the bottom. Generally period looking, at least. :)

Sir Edward:

Nicely done! Those are looking great!

Sir Brian:
Huzzah! Well done indeed!  :)

Sir Patrick:
Well done!

Sir James A:
Thank you, gentlemen. First post updated with the painted score numbers. :)


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