Miscellaneous > The Market Square

FS: Templar/Crusader shield

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Sir Edward:

All-steel construction, rolled edges, 35" tall. Strapped with non-adjustable leather handles and guige strap. Some of the paint isn't cleanly applied, and there are scratches and scrapes mostly at the edges, but in a few other places as well.

So not a fantastic piece, but works well enough to sling on your back for the renfaires.

I'll let it go cheap.

Sir Matthew:
It's in the wrong colors for me. Out of curiousity, do you know what gauge steel?

Sir Edward:

I'm going to guess 16, but it could be 14.

Sir William:
Matthew, I've handled this shield...it won't cause any undue stress if you were concerned about weight; its relatively light and maneuverable.

Sir James A:
I'd wager it being 16, since it's a more common size to work from. Most common metal tools are only rated to 16 gauge mild, or 14 gauge stainless (smaller gauge number = thicker). If it's 14 gauge, if the shield is roughly 24" x 36", the 14 gauge will only be ~10 to 15% heavier than 16 gauge. If it's a non-combat shield, I'd actually bet on it being 18 gauge - that's what I usually see in the "catalog" shopping. Either way, it would be a nominal difference in weight, unless you're fighting with it for hours on end. Strapped over the shoulder or back? I doubt you'd notice any difference at all.

Could always plop it on a bathroom scale for the weight.


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