Miscellaneous > The Market Square
Getting rid of a bunch of swords
Sir Edward:
--- Quote from: Sir William on 2013-02-26, 16:42:09 ---You should not be surprised...lol
--- End quote ---
No, I suppose not. :)
Sir Brian, maybe we can try to get it into your hands in the next few weeks, so I don't have to move it to a new place (assuming we get the house we're looking at; haven't made the offer yet).
Sir Brian:
Well there is the MASHS' free-play Sunday in the last weekend of March, is that soon enough or does it need to be sooner? ???
Sir James A:
Sir Edward, if you end up moving and want to drop the sword off with me some time in Charles Town, I can hold it here until our April PA event and take it to Sir Brian then.. not sure if that's more effort/headache than just moving the sword when you move though. :)
Sir Brian:
Thank you Sir James for the offering to be a 'holding' house! :)
Sir Edward:
We'll see how it goes. We still haven't submitted the offer on the house yet, but we're aiming for around March 28 as a settlement date in the paperwork. It's so completely up in the air at the moment that I can't really make plans around it. They may reject our offer, and not negotiate to something we can agree on. We'll have to see.
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