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Article: (Cracked) 5 Ways Modern Men Are Trained to Hate Women


Sir Edward:
Take a look at this:

5 Ways Modern Men Are Trained to Hate Women

Granted, the articles usually have a fairly superficial and one-sided presentation of most things, but on the other hand these articles are often surprisingly well researched for a comedy site.

I wanted to bring this one up, because it discusses some uncomfortable issues about men, and how they relate to women. You may not agree with all of it, but I think it all applies to at least some proportion of men, particularly young men. To a certain degree, I hope we all grow out of this.

Perhaps chivalry has always served some function in combating this?

Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2012-03-29, 17:40:06 ---Perhaps chivalry has always served some function in combating this?
--- End quote ---

IMO the church made the initial re-taming of man successful after the dark ages but women refined men to be more than just 'house broken'.  ;)

Great article though. :)

I think Chivalry is the perfect counter to this. Polite, Courteous and respectful but strong, proud and powerful. The perfect balance IMHO. 


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