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Custom Smith Mike Pikula Closed

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Allan Senefelder:

--- Quote ---Whoa whoa whoa.... let's not get ahead of ourselves and make assumptions here.  Michael's initial post was very vague and everyone just assumed it was an economy thing.  Keep reading that thread to his second post later on and you'll see it's not quite the doomsday scenario everyone jumped on without any information.

--- End quote ---

Ian, I am glad that this has turned out not to be the case. This " Thank you very much to everyone that has supported me and my work in the past! "  from Michaels post has a very " so long its been good to know ya " feel. Certainly left me with the impression he was done, perhaps a better choice of words was needed. I'm glad Michael's sticking with it.

Sir Edward:

Awesome, that's good to hear. I didn't go and read the thread, so thanks for clearing that up!

Sir William:
Well, I'm glad to hear he hasn't closed shop; I am not a fan of his work, it does not appeal to me, but I do recognize his ability, and there are plenty more who vouch for him.  For me, that is good enough.

Sir James A:
His second post was not there when Allan or I posted. Glad to hear he is not fading away.


--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2012-03-10, 04:24:36 ---His second post was not there when Allan or I posted. Glad to hear he is not fading away.

--- End quote ---

I realize this, but my main point was, try not to jump to conclusions without the information. Everyone on the thread, (not just you guys) just piled on to the assumption of worst possible outcome before Michael even explained anything.  All that usually winds up doing is steering the thread down a path that has little to do with the reality of a situation and leads to a lot of confusion and distress until the facts emerge. Kinda like what Fox News and CNN do to every story they report... lol  :)


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