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Maille mittens

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Sir Ulrich:

Now that they finally arrived I am now making my maille mittens, I stuffed the mitten with a sock to get an idea of how it would be if I put my hand in it and I make the maille over the mitten. It's rather easy, I should do a tutorial of how I make my riveted maille, but it's relatively simple, I don't put them 4 in one "butterflies", I do it 2 rings at a time one riveted one closed cause it's easier to get the rivets to stay all even on one side rather than with butterflies. Way I make it is probably how alternating row maille was made as I close a bunch of rings. Just need suggestions on how to make the thumbs that I am unsure about.

Sir James A:
I don't have a good answer on thumbs, but some of the pictures of angles on antique mail on Wade's site might help:

Once you pick a piece to look at, the pics on the page are clickable too, and are good, hi-res shots. I don't think there would be any difference between an angled elbow/shoulder joint vs thumb joint? Hope that helps some.

Sir Brian:
Wow those mittens are really looking good! I can't wait to see the finished product! :)

Sir William:
Me too, you're coming right along there, Ulrich.

Sir Wolf:


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