Main > The Armoury

sabs on ebay

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Sir Edward:

You mean the poleaxes? Yeah, already in the works. Someone already bought the "B" poleaxe out from under me, by about an hour, but Craig may be willing to put a spike on one of the others and tempt me with that. So not a done deal yet, but getting pretty close. :)

Sir Gerard de Rodes:
Hi Sir Ed,
I have a pair of these sabatons. They are OK for the price.
Be prepared to remove a lame from these as they are massive.
They are not of the best quality manufacture but pass as show pieces.
They do move OK by the way.

Sir Wolf:
ya i figured the same thing we can work on it :) or he can send his boots and sabs to Allen ;)

ooooooooooooooo get the spike get the spike get the spike

Sir William:
If those things are truly 16" long, then your foot size would need to be a mens size 18 at least to fit that.  But at least you can cut them down...adding more material would've been problematic I'd think.  lol

Sir Edward:

Yeah, I figure they'll probably take some work. But the length probably includes the pointy-part at the front of the toe, and of course I may be wearing it over fairly big boots. So we'll see.


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