Main > The Round Table

Covering your face is illegal

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Sir William:
You're going to have a go at the burkha wearers?  That should be interesting.

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2012-02-23, 18:06:33 ---You're going to have a go at the burkha wearers?  That should be interesting.

--- End quote ---

Yeah, I think it's fascinating that that is exactly what may point it out as unconstitutional. :)

Sir William, you just wait until you hear about home defence. If I know a knight such as you coorectly, you will love WV after you learn about the castle law  :)

Sir William:
Oh yea, I know...the Castle doctrine should be standard in EVERY state.  The states that have ruled against it, are just sitting ducks if you ask me.  I'm fine with the State having overarching responsibility for the safety of its citizens but to take away their right to defend themselves is not just unconstitutional, it is criminal, in my mind.

They might as well dub them 'Lemming States' and have done with it.

Sir Edward:

IMHO, taking away someone's means of self defense absolutely is criminal, unless they can guarantee your safety for you (which of course they can't).

VA currently has a castle-law going through the process, but from what I hear it lacks teeth. Still, a step in the right direction.


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