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There is a man who should be on here and isn't......

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So this thread is to nominate folks who should be one here but aren't.

For the first such I would like to name Michael of the Shire known as Miach, squire to Viscount Sir Gunther Barensjager:

Miach is just one of the coolest dudes I know. Mundanely he is a MD but he doesn't talk about it lest you ask him. He comes across as quiet, humble, and just plain nice. The first time I met him he offered me food fit to be served in a fine restaurant that he had prepared in camp that he thought of as "not that special", and since he has fed me no less than three times in such a manner (he even made me like banana bread pudding and I generally do not like it). Even Prince's and King's ask that he cook for them and feel grateful in the receiving.

 Every time I have seen him on the field or helping out he is always smiling and giving the good word. His wife, Scathach, adores him and is also just one of the coolest folks you could know. His awards list is impressive as well his fighting, having come in second in the Cynaguan Fall Coronet Tourney held just last October.

Thus do I nominate Michael of the Shire to this order though I am unsure of how to contact him.


Sir Brian:
Well by your glowing endorsement alone I hope to someday have the honor of meeting this fine gentleman.  :)

However I am a bit puzzled by this post of your nomination for him to be ‘here’? The forum is open to all who wish to join and participate however I am thinking you are nominating him for entrance into the Order of the Marshal.

--- Quote ---Thus do I nominate Michael of the Shire to this order though I am unsure of how to contact him.
--- End quote ---

This is a bit problematic insofar as by the bylaws of the order two knights of the order have to nominate new members:

--- Quote ---To join the order, a prospect must find two current knights to sponsor him or her, and must already possess a kit/garb appropriate to a knight or man-at-arms within the medieval period, as defined by the years 1066-1600. It should have a "medieval look" even if it's not completely historically correct, and appear as such from a distance of ten feet (the so-called "ten foot rule").
--- End quote ---

By all means let your friend know about and encourage him to join our forum and to particpate as much as you have and I'm sure he will have the sponsorship of two knights of the order.  :)

I am also a bit confused Ivan in that I nominated you admittance into the Order of the Marshal back on June 30, 2011 and Sir Edward promptly sent you an invite but as far as I know we never received a response from you accepting the invite, therefore you are not even in the order yet although the invitation is definitely still open to you upon your acceptance of our invitation.


--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2012-02-03, 18:51:02 ---....
However I am a bit puzzled by this post of your nomination for him to be ‘here’? The forum is open to all who wish to join and participate .....By all means let your friend know about and encourage him to join our forum and to particpate as much as you have and I'm sure he will have the sponsorship of two knights of the order.  :)
--- End quote ---

Oh! Didn't know that. Well then, I shall tell him about this forum as soon as I see him next.

--- Quote from: Sir Brian ---I am also a bit confused Ivan in that I nominated you admittance into the Order of the Marshal back on June 30, 2011 and Sir Edward promptly sent you an invite but as far as I know we never received a response from you accepting the invite, therefore you are not even in the order yet although the invitation is definitely still open to you upon your acceptance of our invitation.
--- End quote ---

It's been a hell of a 6 months (I was traveling around the country for 6 weeks of it) and I do remember something like that but I must have lost the invite.  :-[

BTW I'm currently jobless and homeless due to insane & violent roommates and law breaking bosses so please forgive me if I'm scatter-brained.


Sir Patrick:
Wow, Ivan!  These last few months have not been kind!  Keep you shield up!

Sir Brian:

--- Quote ---It's been a hell of a 6 months (I was traveling around the country for 6 weeks of it) and I do remember something like that but I must have lost the invite. 
BTW I'm currently jobless and homeless due to insane & violent roommates and law breaking bosses so please forgive me if I'm scatter-brained.
--- End quote ---

My most sincere sympathies and admiration to you for the troubles you've had to endure this past year, truly I hope circumstances improve for you in the very near future!

As I stated earlier it is an open invitation that Sir Edward had sent to you via a PM, but acceptance can be done just as easily as on this very thread if you wish membership into our Order.  :)


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