Main > The Round Table

Medieval artwork by forum members

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Sir William:
You guys are gonna make me break out the materials and start drawing knights again!

Sir James A:
I have a *ton* of castle pictures, and some random armor sketches. Been drawing castles with intent since I was a teenager; always wanted to design/build my own and host weddings / bed and breakfast. I even made a 3D paper mockup of one design a long time ago. I'll see if I can figure out some way to scan them in.

Sir Edward, those look great as a first attempt. I could never draw people well.

Sir Wolf:
sir brian, i think sir edward requires dinner and a movie first hehehehe


--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2012-01-31, 22:43:46 ---sir brian, i think sir edward requires dinner and a movie first hehehehe

--- End quote ---
I would like to think so! Our Knight Commander is far too classy for behaivoir like that!

Sir Edward:
Actually, if there's one thing I'm terrible at, it's drawing people and animals. I can make them less offensively bad if I intend to go for a cartoony look.

But that's where Codex Manesse images work to my advantage-- most of the horse is under the barding, and the knight's head is a helmet. I also have Codex Manesse sitting next to me to work from. :)


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