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Pauldrons catching breastplate

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Anyone have any ideas of how to prevent pauldrons from catching on my breastplate and backplate?

I think the pauldrons I purchased were not made for the breast/backplate so they don't allow for movement.

Basically at rest, the leading edges on front and back will catch either on my chainmail shirt or underneath the breastplate locking me in place.

Do you think bending the edges out a little bit will help counteract this catching?
I can post some pics tonight of what I'm talking about.

Sir Edward:

Yep, I think bending the edges might be your best bet. Ideally they should overlap a little when at rest, so there's no gap, and nothing to catch. But if they weren't meant to match, there's not much you can do at that point except modify them a little to minimize the problem. If you flare the edges out a little, hopefully it can skip off the edge of the breastplate rather than dig under.

Allan Senefelder:
Any chance to see a pic of you in it showing the problem? A visual is better as a diagnostic for me as it may be a combination of things required to fix it.

I'll post some pics tonight of me wearing the upper portion of the harness so I can get some detailed pics of where it's catching.

Pictures speak louder than words in some cases.  I think the flaring out of the edges will work (vice grips hoooo!) But I am open to other suggestions.  It's weird because they don't sit properly on my shoulders either as the straps from the gorget that hold them in place don't line up directly over the middle of my shoulders, but slightly forward or slightly back.

Pics to follow tonight so you can see what I'm talking about.  Thanks for the help!

Allan Senefelder:

--- Quote ---vice grips hoooo!)
--- End quote ---

Vice grips mar finished metal, a 2"x4" clamped to a benchtop and a hammer using the edge of the wood to cause the steel to gently flare out will minimize surface scuffing. Let me pics to see whats doing.


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