Main > The Armoury

Armstreet's new fantasy armor package

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Sir William:
LOVE IT!!  One of the funniest 'Chuck Norris' bits I've heard was:

Chuck Norris doesn't carry guns to feel safe, guns carry Chuck Norris to feel safe!  Or something like that.

That video clip was hilarious...when you put it like they did, you really are sort of an a-hole when it comes to exploration.  LOL

Sir Wolf:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2011-11-29, 15:39:37 ---LOVE IT!!  One of the funniest 'Chuck Norris' bits I've heard was:

Chuck Norris doesn't carry guns to feel safe, guns carry Chuck Norris to feel safe!  Or something like that.

That video clip was hilarious...when you put it like they did, you really are sort of an a-hole when it comes to exploration.  LOL

--- End quote ---

there are 10 million people in World of Warcraft cause Chuck Norris allows them to live

Sir William:
Right!  Gotta love ole Chuck...still kickin ass in his 70s!!!  A la the Marshal, no?

Yeah, especially in sandbox-style games.
M&B is soo lucky you can't commit hayhem in the game. I have to confine my swathes of chaos to Oblivion  ;)


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