Main > The Round Table

The Order of the Marshal, knightings

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Sir John of Felsenbau:
Thanks for all your comments on my vigil area. As I told you before...whatever I do, I do 110%. I set it up in the basement, however, unfortunately I recieved a notice that the city is replacing it's water meters inside the house, and the area around it must be I have to dismantle it. I probably won't build it up again in the near future, as I'm still busily working on getting the "knighting" area and "banquet" area ready for my knighting. It's slow going because of the heat.

Those who come to my knighting I think will be impressed at my setup. (I also have a little surprise area made, which I won't devulge.)

That's all for now...getting hot already near my computer and my a/c is right next to it, so I can't run the a/c when I'm online.

Sir John.

PS......noone commented, but I attached my "philosophy" slogan to my signature. It means: Excess in moderation.

Sir Gerard de Rodes:
You certainly have a boundless supply of enthusiasm Sir John.  ;)

Sir John of Felsenbau:
Sir Gerard,

You have no idea! I don't know where you live, but if you're one of the knights that come here...I think you will have a memorable knighting event.

Sir John

Sir Gerard de Rodes:

--- Quote from: Sir John of Felsenbau on 2012-07-15, 15:17:29 ---Sir Gerard,

You have no idea! I don't know where you live, but if you're one of the knights that come here...I think you will have a memorable knighting event.

Sir John

--- End quote ---

I wish I could be there to be part of your knighting Sir John, but alas it is a little too far for my earthly flesh to travel ( or for my limited funds to stretch). I shall, instead, be joining you in spirit.

Lord Dane:

--- Quote from: Lord_Dane on 2012-07-10, 00:30:02 ---Very nice, Sir John. Will make for a more authenticated yet personal touch to the ceremony. :) Funny that you posted this. I was working on a vigil area as a space in my battle tent for my events.

--- End quote ---

Here are some of the items I am using to build my tent altar for prayer & knighting ceremony in my Order. I'll take final pics when completed.  Please leave thoughts.


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