Main > The Round Table

A new lord at Caerphilly castle !!

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Sir Nate:
Wow, Thats the king of thing one can only hope for, Congratulations


--- Quote from: Sir Gerard de Rodes on 2013-12-02, 21:21:42 ---Well it`s that time of year again brethren. Fingers crossed for fine winter weather and plenty of MOPs.
As an added bonus a couple of our members and close friends have birthdays near to the weekend so we have been given permission to use the great hall for our surprise celebratory banquet.
Once again I will try to get some photo`s


--- End quote ---

Now that will be a surprise party to remember!  Have a wonderful time!

Sir Douglas:
Oh man, that sounds like tons of fun! Have a great time! :D

Also, dumb question: what is a MOP? (other than a thing used to clean the floor....)

Sir James A:
Have fun, and revel in our envy. We'll be waiting, somewhat patiently, for pictures. :)

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: DouglasTheYounger on 2013-12-03, 06:15:43 ---Also, dumb question: what is a MOP? (other than a thing used to clean the floor....)

--- End quote ---

I forget what it stands for, but he means the regular every-day, unwashed mass sort of people. The muggles, or "danes" as we call them locally.  :)


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