Main > The Round Table

A new lord at Caerphilly castle !!

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Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Sir Gerard de Rodes on 2012-12-17, 21:11:10 ---Yes Sir James they are "shooting" at us.
In European re-enactment it has been decided that as long as the archers use a bow of less than 40lb draw weight that they can shoot at live targets using re-enactment blunt arrows, or as they are commonly known, "red heads".
Lob or drop shots across a battle field are acceptable as long as every participant is wearing a helm.
Flat or point blank shooting is acceptable when the target is fully armored and wearing a fully visored helm.
 When they hit a fleshy bit it still hurts  :o

Once, a rubber tip/red head broke off as it hit the conical snout of my houndskull and the rest of the arrow got wedged into the ocular of the visor. Because I scrunch myself up in my helm and armor against the onslaught of arrows,I hadn`t realized what had happened. The Archers stopped shooting and the audience laughed at the arrow protruding from my face, I tilted my visor to see what they were laughing at and they laughed even more because now the arrow was sticking out of the top of my head. When I eventually realized what had happened, I blessed the day I had bought a helm with very narrow eye slits  ;)


--- End quote ---

Well there's a part of re-enacting I hope to avoid. Glad you both escaped injury and entertained at the same time. :)

Sir Wolf:
lol chickens.... yellow bellys!!

Sir Brian:
Well I finally had some free moments to look at your photo album and what an excellent event you and your group participate in! Oh someday I hope to make it across the pond to see it with mine own eyes!  :)

Sir William:
I tell you, you fellows across the pond know how to have a good time!  I mean, we do too- but it looks like more of you do.  :)

Sir Gerard de Rodes:
Well it`s that time of year again brethren. Fingers crossed for fine winter weather and plenty of MOPs.
As an added bonus a couple of our members and close friends have birthdays near to the weekend so we have been given permission to use the great hall for our surprise celebratory banquet.
Once again I will try to get some photo`s



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