Main > The Round Table

A new lord at Caerphilly castle !!

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Sir Matthew:
That looked awesome. Definitely a little jealous.

Sir Gerard de Rodes:
My Lords, Ladies, honored knights and brethren of the order, It is that time of year again.

Your most humble servant, Lord Gerard De Rodes, and his most gracious family, have been summoned by the young king, Richard II, to be the custodians of the castle at Caerphilly near the boarders of England and Wales, In sole duty to keep the peace during the yuletide festivities and market granted to this town by the crown.

There will be many lords, ladies and knights in attendance during this time, many of those being from the Freemen of Gwent ( a troublesome lot if ever there was ).

The rooms of this great fortress are to be brought to life again with the warmth of friendship and good tidings, the light of candle and fire, the sound of merriment, fun and youth, and the clash of sword upon armour and weapon upon flesh !!.

The Caerphilly Christmas market will be a wash with local produce and historical items.. Enough to keep the population of the town amused and teased of their hard earned pennies.

Wish us well dear brethren, as I have the kings will and pleasure to uphold ( you all know how hard that is ).
Your ever faithful servant, With the highest regards,

Lord Gerard de Rodes.

Please make sure to once again employ the evil magician who used some form of pagan devilry to capture all of the images of your last stay at the castle so that your American brothers may live vicariously through this amazing opportunity!  Can't wait to see the pics this year!

Sir Brian:
Huzzah and congratulations Sir Gerard! Truly the populace is well blessed to behold such finery and authenticity with thy presence! Concur with Sir Ian’s request for many those wondrous images captured of this most auspicious event!  :)

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Ian on 2012-11-03, 13:23:23 ---Please make sure to once again employ the evil magician who used some form of pagan devilry to capture all of the images of your last stay at the castle so that your American brothers may live vicariously through this amazing opportunity!  Can't wait to see the pics this year!

--- End quote ---

Seconded, with extra emphasis on "living vicariously"! Well wishes for the adventure!


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