Main > The Round Table

Knight Initiation Ritual

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Frater de Beaumanoir:
Well done for these Brothers. Might I inquire as to how one is selected amongst this esteemed group of chivalrous role models for such distinction?

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Frater de Beaumanoir on 2011-11-21, 02:07:14 ---Well done for these Brothers. Might I inquire as to how one is selected amongst this esteemed group of chivalrous role models for such distinction?

--- End quote ---

We have the guidelines posted on the Order site, but currently going through some hosting and programming changes with it - my fault. :/

The short answer is you need 2 knights to sponsor you as a member of the Order, at which point you become a Yeoman. After 90 days, you become a squire. At that point, you need 3 knights to sponsor you as a knight (2 of those knights can be the same who sponsored you as a Yeoman).

Frater de Beaumanoir:
Interesting. This would appear to be a group that close geographical ties then, or how does one get sponsored, and what does your various periods of "internship" require?

Any plans for an option for a "Battlefield Knighting" (one that doesn't require the squire's service---just wondering)

I ask this, because you have some interesting concepts here, that I may be able to use in our fraternity of Warrior Monks (of which full Brothers would have been knightly class in most cases). We've adopted a General Chapter voting system from Brethren that are accepted based off of efforts and appearance at events and the like.

Sir Edward:

Yes, basically the rules don't even require the knighting ceremony. We left this open so that knights can choose the manner of their own knighting, as well as to permit us to "fast track" someone in if they're already knighted elsewhere. But since "knight" also means "full voting member", there are parts of the rules that are solid.

Specifically, the membership requirements. We don't require anyone to serve as someone else's squire, but in order to be knighted, the person has to pass through the "yeoman" stage for 90 days (sort of a probationary period to make sure they're still interested and that we all get along), at which point their title changes to squire. As a squire, they're eligible to become a knight of the order. We don't think of "squire" as another knight's servant, but rather as a man-at-arms who has not yet received the accolade.

To become a knight, they must have a completed kit (there's a lot of flexibility here, since whose armor is ever truly "done"?), and be sponsored by 3 existing knights. It's at this point where we can skip the ceremony entirely if the person is already a knight and just wants to be sworn in.

We're not requiring people to be local to us at all. It's just that the group is spreading faster by word of mouth than online, and we've been lucky that the first rounds of knights have been close by.

Are you interested in joining our illustrious Order? In a way it's almost a collection of Knights Errant, so we don't see it as having to be in conflict with any other memberships you may have.


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