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My full current kit

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Sir Ulrich:
Well I am gonna get to work on this as soon as I get the rings hopefully in time for wicked faire. Gonna start with butted links then once I get some riveted ones I'll finish it off, only problem, the butted links most likely wont be the same color as the rest of the links, oh well I don't need many either.

Only issue for me is I plan on getting a new gambeson, so wearing this over my current one may not work out. Maybe thats what I'll get for Christmas, a new gambeson, still debating because I think linen is less durable under maille due to the fibers being less tightly woven. My current gambeson is just a tube as well and isn't tailored to the body so it actually works for this kind of maille.

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: James Anderson III on 2011-12-01, 22:32:59 ---I did it this way a long time ago, and had a small wooden jig I made for it, and used my drill (slowwwwwwly) to wind them. I've probably got some "springs" (which is what they come off like) floating around I can send you, Sir Ulrich. I'll check the diameter of them.

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This shows how crazy I am. I used a 3/8" aluminum rod, 3 feet long, and stuck it in the end of my drill. Then I'd coil the wire onto it, without a jig or anything, just guiding with my hand, and coil the whole 3 foot rod in like 20 seconds. Probably a little dangerous. :)

Sir William:
Ulrich, if the butted links are temporary, I wouldn't worry about them matching the links currently in your hauberk- if anything, it'll give it a 'used' look which actually looks better, if you get my meaning.

Also, I wouldn't move forward until you have the gambeson you want to wear underneath it- that way it'll be sized correctly.  Again, I have a big bag of rings, you're welcome to what's left of it once I'm done with my project.

I had a bunch just sitting around from previous tailoring projects. Got lucky there.
I don't even notice mine. Even though they are completely defferent, doign it the way I did places the seam on the lower inside of your arm, where it's never really seen.


--- Quote from: SirNathanQ on 2011-12-05, 01:43:19 ---...doign it the way I did places the seam on the lower inside of your arm, where it's never really seen.

--- End quote ---

I did the same thing, and my rings don't match exactly, and it's not noticeable unless you inspect my haubergeon up close, and under my arms.


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