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Deeds of Modern Knights

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Sir William:
Ivan, he is certainly worthy of the title.  Of course, the article you linked is a bit more sensational than what I'd read but the gist is the same...this man took on 40 attackers singlehandedly armed only with his wits and his issued kukri knife.  I pray to God that I would act accordingly in a similar instance.

Sir Brian:

--- Quote ---"Fighting the enemy in battle is my duty as a soldier.  Taking on the thugs on the train was my duty as a human being."
--- End quote ---

He is beyond a doubt a knight of the highest caliber, akin to our order’s namesake!

Someone give that man a knighthood and an Albion! Gang problem solved!  ;D

Sir William:
I do believe he deserves recognition and some form of award...that was above and beyond the call of duty!

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: RauttSkegg on 2011-11-23, 04:15:52 ---A Modern Knight from Nepal

"....As if that wasn't bad enough, from a side door more armed thugs leapt into action, pouring into the train from the jungle beyond. Dozens of unscrupulous goons began making their way down the aisles, shaking down everyone for their sh**, stealing wallets, tearing jewelry from the necks of old women, snatchin laptops and cell phones, and waving knives in the faces of terrified hostages.

Despite the chaos around him, Naik Bishnu Shrestha just sat there quietly. Not saying anything. Not betraying his emotions. Even when the thugs took his own wallet, he remained silent. Like a true badass, he knew that this wasn't his fight. Just be quiet, give them what they want, and survive. It's just a few hundred bucks. It's not worth dying over.

But then sh** got out of hand. You see, it just so happened that Shrestha was sitting near a cute 18 year-old girl, and when this gang of baby-kicking terrorists came by her seat they decided it would be awesome to be the complete fucking slime of the earth and gang-rape her in front of her own terrified parents just for shits and giggles. The terrorist leader cut open her shirt while she cried for help.

That was fucking it. Bishnu Shrestha couldn't just sit by any longer. ..."

--- End quote ---

If there's one thing I've learned in life, it is that you NEVER mess with a Gurkha.

--- Quote ---A Gurkha soldier who single-handedly defeated more than 30 Taliban fighters has been awarded the Conspicuous Gallantry Cross by the Queen.

In total he fired off 250 general purpose machine gun rounds, 180 SA80 rounds, six phosphorous grenades, six normal grenades, five underslung grenade launcher rounds and one Claymore mine.

At one point, after exhausting all his ammunition, he had to use the tripod of his machine gun to beat away a militant who was climbing the walls of the compound.

The only weapon he did not use was the traditional Kukri knife carried by Gurkhas because he did not have his with him at the time.

--- End quote ---

It's a good article. This wasn't a random soldier in a group that killed off 30-some people. He did it by himself, defending a checkpoint. I don't ever remember Rambo owning somebody with a machine gun tripod....

Yep. NEVER, NEVER, EVER mess with a Gurkha.


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