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Inspiring Story of Armour Theft & Return.


A good man of the Society had his armour stolen. It then showed up on Ebay where
it was spotted as suspicious, posted online as such, found to be stolen, where a
man bought it all so that it would not disappear and got it back to it's rightful
owner. Then others contributed funds to repay this good gentile for his service:


md02geist did a very noble thing in ponying up the cash to buy the armor back. Although after carefully reading that thread, which I've been following for some time, it doesn't look like the armor was actually stolen, but more the product of unclaimed goods as a result of the car reposession. I'm not sure why the owner didn't claim his goods after getting his vehicle back from the reposession company without its contents, as I think that would have saved a huge headache from ocurring.

What's sad is that despite knowing the truth the ebay 'seller' didn't care and still just wanted to make a quick buck and take advantage of a legal but unfortunate situation. md02geist is to be commended for his generosity in helping out the original owner.

Sir William:
Yea, what he did was chivalric in nature- especially given that his sole purpose in buying it was so that it could be returned to its rightful owner.  The circumstances surrounding the loss of said harness were a bit above the norm...he had a lot going on in his life at the time it would seem.

I just sent him some small monies via Paypal. You can send him some too at:

Sir William:
I have done so already- when I first heard about it.  I would have put in a bid as well, only it was already over what I could pull together on such short notice.


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