Main > The Armoury

Great Helm

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Will this be expected to face combat or not?

Have you looked at Zweihammer Armoury?
(,shop.product_details/flypage,shop.flypage/product_id,5/category_id,1/option,com_virtuemart/Itemid,26/ )

James de Avesnes:
If it was heavy enough and visibility was decent, I would serisously consider using it in combat.  That's a great link I haven't come across before and the price Wow!

Sir Ulrich:
Thats a nice helm you linked to. Just think it's a bit pricey but I haven't seen it in person yet. They got a ton of stuff I'd like to buy but it's way too pricey for my budget...

Also look at Clang Armoury and Anshelm Arms.

Sir Gerard de Rodes:
James de Avesnes, I do like this style of helm but the price does seem a little steep.


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