Main > The Armoury

Pics of me and my armor

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Sir William:
Agreed, Sir Brian.  I need to tailor my hauberk to remove the bingo wings...just finding time AND inclination is the issue.

Sir William:

--- Quote from: Sir Ulrich on 2011-09-22, 04:58:58 ---You could just cut out a small amount and but the rest together, or just wear some bracers over it to fix the bingo wing problem. They sell metal bracers really cheaply at mercenary's tailor but i'm not sure if they'd be period except maybe for the LATE 13th early 14th century. I plan to do the bracer fix myself till I get icefalcon rings and rivets to tailor my own maille.

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Ulrich, if you're going to try to use bracers as a way of keeping your mail in check, might I suggest some ties - Sir Brian showed me a way to do so, which will bring the mail closer in to your arm and may help with the bracers.  The bracers themselves look as if they should do a good job of keeping the mail down but it doesn't, at least mine did not.  In the course of the day, moving around, lifting your ale the mail just finds a way to slip out.  Plus, with having to wear the bracer looser than normal the weight of it sits on the wrist rather than distributing over the arm that's covered which can get painful as time wears on.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Leganoth on 2011-09-22, 02:51:45 ---
--- Quote from: SirNathanQ on 2011-09-22, 02:13:49 ---For most stuff I use steel wool. Heavy rust gets the buffer  8)

Good start! Have you thought about tailoring your maille? The butted stuff is super-easy to work with, and it's good experience for if you want to modify nicer riveted maille in the future.

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I have, i want to do what you did but i dont think id have the patience for it or tools

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You can get away with 1 pair of pliers, but 2 is better. They can be found at Home Depot for about $3. If you can grind down the rough edge of the face, it will help prevent it from scratching the mail. Butted mail is quick and easy once you get the hang of it. Riveted is a whole other beast.

Try just running a length of lace through the sleeve to tighten it down. If you can still move your arm around in all directions like that, clip the rings the lace went through and just close it back up; you could lace it closed as you slowly close it up with rings. Doesn't have to be done in a day. :)

My maille projects were often done over the course of several days. There's my basic method and tutorial in a post in the Workshop part of the forum. Same method should apply to butted as well.

Sir Patrick:
Looking good, Leganoth!


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